Another Community Is Possible: Heal, Restore, Transform
NEWS: Click Here to see the 2011 Louisville People's Agenda Working Draft (2-5-11)

The People's Agenda, January 9, 2003 - Call for Metro Government Action:

The People's Agenda
"Another Community is Possible:
Heal, Restore, Transform"
Join us in presenting The People�s Agenda to the Metro Louisville Government.The Call to Action Press Conference: 4:30 P.M. Thursday, January 9, 2003 on the steps of the Jefferson County Courthouse, Louisville KY at the corner of 6th and Jefferson Streets.
The Coalition for The People�s Agenda is a group of several dozen grassroots and progressive organizations and individuals. We came together because we recognized that by working together we can have a positive impact with the new merged government. We sought suggestions from as many diverse groups as possible and selected key issues on which we would initially focus. Organizers contacted many groups by mail, phone, and in person. More than 50 organizations responded, suggesting more than 150 issues. These were grouped into eight major issue areas.
An historic Conference for A Peoples Agenda on August 24, 2002 at Quinn Chapel AME Church convened  more than 100 individuals from over 50 organizations who worked together and developed The People�s Agenda. Since then the Coalition has continued to work on refining the document and making plans for its implementation.
The full first draft of the Peoples Agenda Document including all 150 + issues can also nbe viewed at . This should be read as a DRAFT, a living document which continues to be developed.
Since then many individuals and organizations have become endorsers of the Peoples Agenda.

We, The Coalition for The People�s Agenda, look forward to the day when our governing bodies represent all the people of the community�particularly those individuals and groups that have been traditionally marginalized and historically underserved; when the culture in which we live, work, learn and play is socially and economically just; and when ALL peoples, regardless of age, color, disability, economic status, gender, national origin, religion or sexual orientation are treated with equality and fairness.
As a first step towards implementation of the People's Agenda, the following priorities in each issues area will be presented to local government and media beginning January 9, 2003:
Draft Text of Call For Action:
The Metro Government shall take these actions on the following eightissues:
"Another Community is Possible:
Heal, Restore, Transform"
Civil and Human Rights

  • Prohibit Discrimination:
Maintain and strengthen current laws prohibiting discrimination based on age, disability, gender, national origin, race, religion and/or sexual orientation.
  • Guarantee affirmative action policies: Maintain, strengthen and enforce laws in employment and awarding of contracts.

  • Fund cultural programs: Provide tools and resources for traditionally under funded community groups that use arts to build multicultural diversity and dismantle racism, bigotry, sexism and all attitudes destructive to humanity.

Community Governance

  • Increase voter participation: Send direct mail notices�before registration closes--to every household notifying residents of who will be on the ballot and what measures will be on the ballot. Institute same-day voter registration.

  • Diversify boards and commissions: Include a strong presence of youth, people of color, working-class whites and other underrepresented groups to ensure diverse representation on government boards and commissions.

  • Conduct regular public forums: All branches of the Metro Government should sponsor public forums--at times when working people can attend�where the public can have input and get feedback, especially well in advance of major city expenditures or policy changes.
Criminal Justice System and Citizen Protection

  • Implement Civilian Review Board: Fully fund a Civilian Review Board and Office of Independent Investigation to investigate charges of police misconduct, brutality and use of deadly force.

  • Fund treatment programs: Redirect spending priorities from incarceration to adequately funded drug and mental health treatment programs, education and grassroots economic development.

  • End racial profiling: Prohibit racial profiling by police and other law enforcement officers.

Economic Development Through Community Empowerment

  • Support neighborhood organizations: Set aside a portion of the city's budget to build the capacity of neighborhood organizations.

  • Create jobs: Focus on attracting businesses that create jobs for residents of the communities in which they are located. Develop government sponsored training programs for these jobs.

  • Create Economic Development Council: This group shall be made up of representatives from the 26 districts and play a key role in economic development decision-making.

Education and Youth Empowerment

  • Encourage youth leadership: Provide resources to programs and organizations that youth can develop and run themselves.

  • Support youth programs: Consult youth groups to prioritize the funding of programs that provide job training, employment opportunities, counseling, recreation, and health services for youth.

  • Provide student assistance: Ensure that all branch libraries are open every evening�including Sundays�and provide students with assistance such as tutoring, reading groups, and other activities.

Environmental Protection, Public Health and Human Services

  • Preserve green space: Emphasize the prevention of sprawl in any development plan, including sustainable economic development, home building, transportation, industry, schools and recreation.

  • Implement environmental protection ordinances: Secure passage of local ordinances that holds corporations accountable for environmental protection and worker health and safety.

  • Improve and expand public transportation system: Develop policies that reduce dependence on more highways and divert these resources to improve and expand public transportation.


  • Provide affordable housing: Secure local, state and federal resources to ensure affordable and quality housing in ALL areas of the county.

  • Eliminate predatory lending: Adopt measures that curb predatory lending.

  • Support Coalition for the Homeless: Assist in the implementation of the "Blueprint for the Future," a 10-year program designed to dramatically reduce homelessness in Louisville.

Workers� Rights

  • Implement a Living Wage ordinance: Create a specific, adequate wage level for all public employees and employees of companies that receive significant tax breaks, public subsidies and government contracts.
  • Maintain worker protection laws & poiicies: Collective bargaining guarantees, prevailing wage policies, affirmative action requirements, and Right to Organize clauses. Enact measures that prohibit privatization of any public service.

  • Oppose FTAA: Pass a resolution to oppose and lobby against the Free Trade Area of the Americas.

We invite you to be a part of this effort. We ask you to:
  • Endorse The People�s Agenda
  • Join us in presenting The People�s Agenda to the public
  • Help build wide support for The People�s Agenda
  • Join us in presenting The People�s Agenda to the Metro Louisville Government, beginning with the

  • The Call to Action Press Conference: 4:30 P.M. Thursday, January 9, 2003 on the steps of the Jefferson County Courthouse, Louisville KY at the corner of 6th and Jefferson Streets.
Continue to work for adoption of The People�s Agenda, helping to develop and expand it
Contact us to find out what you can do to help�
We thank you for your support!
P.O. Box 1543
Louisville, KY 40201
PH. 502.778.8130
FAX. 502.778.8173

Yusef Ali, Nana Yaa Asantewaa, Felicia Ashford, Jemilla Barakaat, Leslie Barras, Courtney Baskett, Walter "Skip" Bedford, Jr., Ja'Bani Bennett, Keith Bertrand, Gary Best, Anne Braden, Dennis Bricking, Kathleen Campisano, Tahiti Castillo, Tommie Causey, Ivor Chodkowski, Rev. Louis Coleman, Dorris Crowe, Connie Crutcher, Polk Culpepper, John Cumbler, Raoul Cunningham, Robert Cunningham, Eddie Davis, Nancy Demartra, Sis. Chris Dobrowolski, Jose Neil Donis, Aleve Douglas, Bev Duncan, Mike Duncan?, Tim Duncan, Sandra Durham, Ernest "Camp" Edwards, Elizabeth Elliott, Darnell Farris, Thomas Fleitz, Roy Fuller, Mary Gant, Aaron Gent, Patricia Germany, Glenda Green, Ira Grupper, Carol Gundersen, Jesse Harris, John Hartmann, Deborah Haskins, Gail Helinger, James Henderson, Cassia Herron, Roberta Hickman, Cathy Hinko, Shavette Holt, David Horvath, Larry Hovekamp, Kathleen Hoye, Bani Hines-Hudson, J. Blaine Hudson, Walter Hutchins, Cyd Iyun, Jennifer Jewell, Darnell Johnson, James Johnson, Ricky Jones, Carol Kraemer, Amanda Kreps-Long, Subrenia Lain, Tom Lambert, George Lee, Jr., Lucille Leggett, Kate Lesak, Gracie Lewis, Pat Long, David Lott, Jonathan Lowe, David Lyttle, Mattie Mathis, Pam McMichael, Joe McMillan, Laura McSpedon, Sam Means, Nila Meeks, Mildred Menchu, Wanda Mitchell Smith, Tom Moffett, Lindsay Mullaney, Sterling O. Neal, Jr., K.A. Owens, Tom Pearce, Bill Pflantz, Kris Philipp, Dejanease Pressley, Maria Price, Shanita Price, Lauren Pring, Matt Reese, Nick Reese, Natalie Reteneller, Ann Reynolds, Tyana Robinson, Anita Ross-Parker, David Silverman, Peg Smith, Deborah Stallworth, Elwood & Roxanne Sturtevant, Christy Swan, Dan Taylor, Joyce Thomas, Kay Tillow, Adolph Thompkins, Alice Wade, Sheila Wade, Ann Wagner, Carla Wallace, Tom Wannemeuhler, Joyce A. Ware, Ruth Weathers, Chris Wells, Sheniqua Wells, Pamala Wiley, Beth Wilson, George Wilson and De�Nita Wright

Copy Editors
Anne Braden, Tahiti Castillo, Polk Culpepper,
Aleve Douglas and Cassia Herron

We want your feedback and participation! If you would like to join, endorse, learn more or comment on The People's Agenda, please fill out our online feedback form or contact us directly!
If you would like to print out a copy of the form to take to your community organization and to mail back,  click here

Below is the text of the Printable Copy of the registration from:
I would like to register (my organization) as an Official Supporter of A Peoples Agenda.
I would like to register (a representative) to attend the Planning Committee meetings.
I would like to (send a representative to) join one of the action committees( mark one).
Civil and Human Rights
Community Governance
Criminal Justice System
Environmental Protection
Economic Development
Education & Youth Empowerment
Housing & Human Rights
Workers Rights

I would like to schedule my organization foran educational session to learn more aboutA Peoples Agenda.
I would like to make a donation to A Coalition for A Peoples Agenda. __________________ (Enclosed Amount)
Thanks for your support!

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