- Prohibit Discrimination:
- Guarantee affirmative action policies: Maintain, strengthen and enforce laws in employment and awarding of contracts.
- Fund cultural programs: Provide tools and resources for traditionally under funded community groups that use arts to build multicultural diversity and dismantle racism, bigotry, sexism and all attitudes destructive to humanity.
- Increase voter participation: Send direct mail notices�before registration closes--to every household notifying residents of who will be on the ballot and what measures will be on the ballot. Institute same-day voter registration.
- Diversify boards and commissions: Include a strong presence of youth, people of color, working-class whites and other underrepresented groups to ensure diverse representation on government boards and commissions.
- Conduct regular public forums: All branches of the Metro Government should sponsor public forums--at times when working people can attend�where the public can have input and get feedback, especially well in advance of major city expenditures or policy changes.
- Implement Civilian Review Board: Fully fund a Civilian Review Board and Office of Independent Investigation to investigate charges of police misconduct, brutality and use of deadly force.
- Fund treatment programs: Redirect spending priorities from incarceration to adequately funded drug and mental health treatment programs, education and grassroots economic development.
- End racial profiling: Prohibit racial profiling by police and other law enforcement officers.
- Support neighborhood organizations: Set aside a portion of the city's budget to build the capacity of neighborhood organizations.
- Create jobs: Focus on attracting businesses that create jobs for residents of the communities in which they are located. Develop government sponsored training programs for these jobs.
- Create Economic Development Council: This group shall be made up of representatives from the 26 districts and play a key role in economic development decision-making.
- Encourage youth leadership: Provide resources to programs and organizations that youth can develop and run themselves.
- Support youth programs: Consult youth groups to prioritize the funding of programs that provide job training, employment opportunities, counseling, recreation, and health services for youth.
- Provide student assistance: Ensure that all branch libraries are open every evening�including Sundays�and provide students with assistance such as tutoring, reading groups, and other activities.
- Preserve green space: Emphasize the prevention of sprawl in any development plan, including sustainable economic development, home building, transportation, industry, schools and recreation.
- Implement environmental protection ordinances: Secure passage of local ordinances that holds corporations accountable for environmental protection and worker health and safety.
- Improve and expand public transportation system: Develop policies that reduce dependence on more highways and divert these resources to improve and expand public transportation.
- Provide affordable housing: Secure local, state and federal resources to ensure affordable and quality housing in ALL areas of the county.
- Eliminate predatory lending: Adopt measures that curb predatory lending.
- Support Coalition for the Homeless: Assist in the implementation of the "Blueprint for the Future," a 10-year program designed to dramatically reduce homelessness in Louisville.
- Implement a Living Wage ordinance: Create a specific, adequate wage level for all public employees and employees of companies that receive significant tax breaks, public subsidies and government contracts.
- Maintain worker protection laws & poiicies: Collective bargaining guarantees, prevailing wage policies, affirmative action requirements, and Right to Organize clauses. Enact measures that prohibit privatization of any public service.
- Oppose FTAA: Pass a resolution to oppose and lobby against the Free Trade Area of the Americas.
- Endorse The People�s Agenda
- Join us in presenting The People�s Agenda to the public
- Help build wide support for The People�s Agenda
- Join us in presenting The People�s Agenda to the Metro Louisville Government, beginning with the
- The Call to Action Press Conference: 4:30 P.M. Thursday, January 9, 2003 on the steps of the Jefferson County Courthouse, Louisville KY at the corner of 6th and Jefferson Streets.
Copy Editors
I would like to register (a representative) to attend the Planning Committee meetings.
I would like to (send a representative to) join one of the action committees( mark one).
Civil and Human Rights
Community Governance
Criminal Justice System
Environmental Protection
Economic Development
Education & Youth Empowerment
Housing & Human Rights
Workers Rights
I would like to schedule my organization foran educational session to learn more aboutA Peoples Agenda.
I would like to make a donation to A Coalition for A Peoples Agenda. __________________ (Enclosed Amount)
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