Another Community Is Possible: Heal, Restore, Transform
NEWS: Click Here to see the 2011 Louisville People's Agenda Working Draft (2-5-11)

Reinvigorating the Coalition for The People's Agenda: Invitation to L.I.F.E. Meeting on 11/14/10:

Hello, fellow fighters for social justice and equality!

This is just to let you know that a "daughter" organization of the Kentucky Alliance, Louisvillians In Favor of Equality (L.I.F.E.), will be holding a meeting this Sunday, Nov. 14, at 2:00 p.m. at the Braden Center,  3208 WEST BROADWAY, Louisville, KY, USA

This meeting will focus, among other items, on two things of note:

(1)  It will try to begin the process of reinvigorating the old Coalition for The People's Agenda, and somewhat "updating" that People's Agenda itself to include advocacy for single-payer health care---truly the equivalent of the civil rights movement for the early 21st Century--and, more locally, advocacy for public ownership of L G & E.  The original People's Agenda was presented to Mayor Abramson at the inception of merged Louisville Metro government in early 2003; this time we hope to present it to new Mayor Greg Fischer (well) before he presents his first budget to the Metro Council and effectively begins the post-Abramson era---after 21 years!

(2)  It will try to familiarize attendees with the "old" Coalition for The People's Agenda, along with the way the Agenda and the true COALITION for it were created under the Kentucky Alliance's leadership.

The active participation of you and your organization is crucial to the success of this venture; hope MANY of you can make it!

In Solidarity and Peace,

Ike Thacker

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