Civil and Human Rights
Glenda Green, Carla Wallace, Ricky Jones, Mildred Menchu, Ann Wagner, Adolph Tompkins, Anne Braden, Joe McMillan, John Cumbler, Mama Yaa, Carol Kraemer, Louis Coleman, Kris Phillip, tom Wannemeuhler
We envision a metro government that is concerned and committed to quality of life issues as they relate to the arena of civil and human rights.
To ensure that every citizen is made aware of his or her rights under the law through education and training, and to provide a mechanism that will monitor the aggressive enforcement of these rights throughout the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
People’s Agenda will be visible by having a proactive stand on the community’s concerns.
To bring these issues to the metro Council during a press conference.
To be on offense.
Police accountability.
Sustaining and strengthening current social and human rights laws.
Ensure that the new government does not roll back past and current advances.
Schedule a meeting with Abramson before he takes office.
Community Governance
Wanda Mitchell Smith, Raoul Cunningham, John Hartman, Tahiti Castillo, SterlinNeal, George ?, Bill Wilson, Lindsay Mullaney
We envision a metro government that is responsive to OUR concerns and OUR needs, a true UNITY of PEOPLE getting to be heard, and citizens involved in the decision-making process.
Intensify our efforts in voter registration and Get Out the Vote
Monitor and analyze all aspects of the merging of city & county government, including appointments to Boards and Commissions, recommend legislation to our Metro Council representatives.
Seek out and identify voters [to] build an infrastructure of neighborhood-to-neighborhood for the purpose of producing/electing a government responsive to the people’s needs
Develop ethical guidelines to prevent supplementation of the Mayor’s salary or compensation package in order to preserve or create equal access
Host conversation cafes
Neighborhood development
Find common ground neighborhood-to-neighborhood
Identify and organize people who think like us in each district
Identify and talk to the people
Foster community awareness; organizations plan walks, literature drops, voter registration, forums, press conferences, radio shows, letters to the editor
Justice Ministry-get churches involved
Form committee to call on elected officials; a community lobbying base
Committee appointments-send resumes to the Council
Hold elected officials accountable; talk to our council members, request monthly forums, call for response back as newsletters or talkbacks
Criminal Justice
Tom Pearce, Ann Reynolds, Tom Moffett, David Lott, Matt Reese, Nick Reese, Bev Duncan, Enrages representatives (2)
We are working towards a day when the culture in which we live is socially and economically just and when the criminal justice system serves and protects all citizens with equality, fairness, and respect.
Implement a Civilian Review Board with Subpoena power.
Change LPD's liberal use of force policy (i.e. Rule out shooting fleeing suspects)
Require Police live in the districts they work in.
Pass laws and ordinances that more strictly punish misconduct by police.
We demand an objective study that is not pre-announced to police that tries to pinpoint why and where profiling occurs.
We condemn the recent LPD/UofL study as biased, self serving, and unjust.
Push the new Metro Council to pass language that reaffirms their commitment to stop racial profiling.
Direct County funds to increase opportunities for drug court, rehabilitation, and education for drug offenders. (This demand has some police support)
Fully fund the Public Defenders office and reduce the ridiculous caseload of Public Defenders
We demand the city council lobby for more state and federal funds for rehabilitation and economic development in at risk communities rather than sports arenas and anti-gang crackdowns.
Economic Development Through Community Empowerment
Shavette Holt, Kirk Owens, Walter Bedford, Jr., George Lee, Jr., Deborah Haskins, Joyce Thomas, Ruth Weathers, Aleve Douglas, Gracie Lewis, Roberta Hickman, Ivor Chodkowski
[We envision a municipality in which] communities that are impacted by economic development decisions MUST MAKE THOSE DESIONS themselves, ensure decisions are DECENTRALIZED, residents should get the jobs; an equitable number of contracts should be given to minorities. We seek to “empower” our community to sustain its freedom, assure community representation on all economic decisions affecting our community, such as “awarding of contracts”, in each neighborhood district.
There should be 26 community economic development councils
Councils should be within the boundaries of the new metro council districts
Councils should be grassroots in composition
Groups should be key actors in any economic development plan
Education and Youth Empowerment
Camp Edwards, Keith Bertrand, Nancy Demartra, De'Nita Wright, Jemilla Barakaat, Shenita Price, Peg Smith, Pamala Wiley, Darnell Johnson, Anne Braden, Joyce A. Ware, Courtney Baskett, Sheniqua Wells, Chris Wells, Dejanease Pressley
[We envision a public school system within which] no child, no school, no neighborhood is left behind; African American/minority and economically deprived [students] are on the same rung. All students become global citizens to compete in a global market. All students become lifelong learners. All students [are afforded] a holistic approach to education. Equal educational opportunities for all persons, regardless of socioeconomic status, religion, minority orientation, gender and ability, with full global and holistic approach and value. {[Increase the] literacy rate, [discontinue] gerrymandering attendance zones, [keeping] economically disadvantaged children of all races in the same schools as underachievers, [foster] safety in schools, [foster] parental involvement, blend all students (special education, regular) together to eliminate tracking].
Create a diverse grassroots coalition to educate, empower and disseminate information
Effectively communicate and organize
Lobby the legislature for needed and timely change; school board for policy change
Draft legislation pertaining to all youth as far as education, criminal justice, employment, health, recreation and social and community issues [are concerned]
Encourage and support youth to organize themselves to speak for themselves and [their peers]
Build community involvement by having open forums throughout the community
Educate the Metro Council regarding the educational system and its issues
Environment, Health, Human Services
Pat Long, Kay Tillow, Roberta Hickman, Patricia Germany, Kate Lesak,
Leslie Barras, Polk Culpepper
We envision a city in which the basic necessities which establish and improve the quality of life are guaranteed to all, including but not limited to: clean air, soil and water; healthy and affordable food; affordable utilities and housing; equal and affordable health care; equal and affordable education and child care.
Identify those who are obstacles to advancing a progressive agenda
Establish and implement a process of accountability that identifies those who are responsible for policy and procedures affecting people and our community and whether their actions result in positive or negative outcomes with respect to a progressive agenda
Organize a political movement to accomplish our vision statement
Secure a local initiative and referendum process
Secure a policy on “instant run offs” for primary and general elections
Accept only “Zero Discharge” (non polluting) industries and transportation vehicles
Emphasize green space protection and preventing suburban sprawl in any development plan, including economic development, home building, transportation, industry, schools and recreation
Educate the new Metro Council on the issues of concern to us, the People’s Agenda
Identify and maximize funding sources to implement the People’s Agenda (e.g., bonds, fees)
Secure passage of a local ordinance that holds corporations accountable on our issues
Organize a progressive alternate GLI
Establish alternative media
Darnell Farris, Cathy Hinko, Amanda Kreps-Long, Connie Crutcher
[We envision provisions of] housing for race or immigrant population, affordable/appropriate accessible housing, [housing policy] laws, codes, ordinances and blueprints whether new or existing, neighborhood investment by government and residents (reinvestment), urban industries and their affect on neighborhoods, government’s understanding of the importance of the urban core, public and government leadership in understanding and fostering neighborhood leaders and youth advocacy
Residents should feel invested in their local neighborhood
Neighborhood identity
Affordable and quality, assisted housing in ALL areas of the county
General funds directed to construction and rehabilitation of affordable housing
Even distribution of section 8 housing throughout Jefferson County
Developed government strategy for racial desegregation (by policy makers, media, neighborhoods & faith-based organizations)
Living Wage establishment to combat child poverty and gain access to affordable housing
Develop strategies dealing with new family configurations
Housing type (ex: shared living areas)
Aesthetically pleasing housing types
Planning Commission and government policy for the NEW LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE
Mandatory % of new affordable housing units in larger developments
Diverse and mixed-use developments
Property maintenance code that is uniform and strong for entire county
Need local government’s input and assistance on predatory lending practices
Government implementation of the Coalition for the Homeless “blueprint plan” (2002 just finished)
Factories in urban neighborhoods (who does government support, HOMEOWNERS or the FACTORIES?)
Public’s perception of RENTERS vs. HOMEOWNERS
Density vs. Sprawl
Public education (fostering new leadership and youth advocacy)
Workers’ Rights
Ira Grupper, Maria Price, Jesse Harris, Gary Best, Bill Pflantz, Kay Tillow, Tim Duncan
Maintain existing ordinances: worker protections, collective bargaining, prevailing wage, affirmative action, and RTO clause
Advance stronger legislation to promote worker rights and economic justice; living wage, resolution to oppose the FTAA (Free Trade Area of the Americas), succession clause (to oppose privatization)
Continue this forum to advance our progressive legislative agenda, adding more community advocates, neighborhood groups, refugee/immigrant rights groups and other progressive groups
Meet quarterly
Note: First two points may possibly constitute vision statement. TC